SVFC History

About St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin, Inc.

The St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin, Inc. is a private educational institution run by a family of selfless educators and named St. Vincent de Ferrer Academy , Inc. in 2001. Its stated objectives are as follows:

  1. To provide quality yet affordable education to poor but academically equipped youths of Camarin;
  2. To support the government's goal of bringing all Filipinos to school;
  3. To help alleviate the standard of living of the people of Camarin by providing courses/programs responsive to the demands of the community;
  4. To help promote a continuing interest in education as well as improve the standards of living of the people of Camarin by providing the demands of an emerging industrial society; and,
  5. To help enhance and uplift the dignity and prestige of the under-privileged and low income residents by providing them with low-cost education or through local and national government subsidies , which is the fundamental instrument towards the improvement of their economic status.
St. Vincent de Ferrer Academy: A Journey from Humble Beginnings to Educational Excellence

The St. Vincent de Ferrer Academy, Inc. (SVFA) was originally conceived as a basic education institution with a technical/trade skills high school. It started with thirty-two (32) pre-school pupils in its initial operation. This figure amplified more than three-folds the following year with one hundred five (105) pupils. On its third year of operation, the population escalated to more than a thousand with the multi-level offerings in both elementary and high school.

The first batch of high school graduates in March 2006 was a milestone because it paved the way for the school’s recognition as well as the community’s acknowledgement of the institution’s academic achievements.

By June of the same year, the enrollment reached its peak with more than two thousand populace when the school participated in the decongestion scheme of the government through the Education Voucher System (EVS) program of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Expanding Horizons: St. Vincent de Ferrer Academy's Evolution into Tertiary Education

Three years thereafter, the Board of Trustees, upon observing that many Out-of-School Youths are enthusiastic to pursue college education but incapacitated to do so, departed from the school's confinement to basic education and opened the tertiary level with its initial offerings, to wit:

  • Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Secondary Education majors in: Social Studies, English, and Filipino
  • Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Education
Empowering Futures: The Transformation of St. Vincent de Ferrer Academy into St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin, Inc.

St. Vincent de Ferrer Academy, Inc., congruent to its avowed priority to educate and uplift the quality of life of the community's deprived, depressed and underserved children, was renamed St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin, Inc. in 2007.

Today, the college has expanded from the original basic education program to different areas of specialization like business and accountancy, education, information technology, hospitality management, and hopefully additional course offerings responsive to the community's needs as well as the business sector will be realized in order for SVFC to meet the challenges of the existing and business atmosphere in the area.

With the end in view, the St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin, Inc. seeks to produce graduates equipped with knowledge, skills and social confidence necessary to land in respectable entry-level positions in business, industry and government.

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